yes this is indeed very strong, makes me think of ashley woods work. ur style is obviously different, but a similar theme. anywho good work
yes this is indeed very strong, makes me think of ashley woods work. ur style is obviously different, but a similar theme. anywho good work
Thanks! You just made me discover that great artist, he has awesome paintings really!
I have to start off by saying THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL! the way u handled the drapery is very nice, looks stiff at times but the shading and highlights help break that. background is lovely, nice range of tone. Also i must say great choice of framing. good work keep it up =)
alright so i personally think this is one of the most underrated art portal submissions. Yo i think its fucking awesome, great concept, and kick ass job on colouring, shading, and rendering. I also agree with u, we do not have enough zombie porn! LOL no but great job, one of my favs ever on art portal.
encore !
im glad u decided to bring it back, loved the first and I love this one. keep up the great work, im looking forward to more =D
Thanks! i'm gonna try to make more stuff! Hopefully I don't lose your interest!
i must say u rlly kill it with pencil, great work.
best thing i have seen all day
:D Thank you!!
AWESOME! the simplicity of the brush strokes are rlly affective in a technical way, keep up the great work.
will do boss
u have some rlly good pen work, and awesome crosshatching
comics, concept art, clothes,cover work & VIDEO GAME design (character and environment). enjoy. Contact: dbotnarenko@gmail.com
Age 35, Male
Toronto Ontario
Joined on 11/24/09